Thursday 12 November 2015

Week 6 Preparing Survey Question

Briefly written Survey Question about learning theories

As a student, which way do you think effective in order to get long term memory to your study?

    i.       Do you need visual aids in order to memorize easily while study on something?

    ii.      Did chunking information to comprehension table like Firstly, besides that, finally into   digestible parts helps you to easily learn lesson?

    iii.     Do you need mnemonic device to recall what you learn?

As a teacher, what are your teaching strategies to gain student interest and making them more active role in a learning process?
    i.       Does utilizes interactive teaching like role-play help students to construct ideas  and solve problem?

    ii.      Did you motivate and engage your student joining internship to experience real world activities?

    iii.     Do you challenging students problem solving skills answering real world problem base on their experience?

Do you behave yourself on your daily life?

    i.       Do you went to class or work on time?

    ii.     Did you willing to participate in group discussion without forcing you?

    iii.   Will you actively response on questions on your work place or classroom?

                 Finalize Survey Question

As a student, which way is suitable for you to gain long term memory for your study?

           i.                 Create visual aids in order to memorize easily while study on something.

           ii.               Chunking information to comprehension table like Firstly, besides that, finally into digestible parts while learn lesson.

           iii.             Using mnemonic device to recall what you had study.

In your opinion, what are the suitable teaching strategies to gain student interest and making them more active role in a learning process?

    i.       Utilizes interactive teaching like role-play help students to construct ideas  and solve problem.

    ii.     Motivate and engage your student joining internship to experience real world activities.

    iii.   Challenging students problem solving skills by answering real world problem base on  their  experience.

Which discipline behavior you would miss out in your daily life?

i.                 Went to class or work on time.                                               
ii.                Automatically participate in group discussion.
iii.              Actively response on questions in your work place or in classroom.

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